Designing and planting your garden with Soil PH Meter

If you are here, you are probably thinking of having a green thumb. This is a huge step to make at a time when the whole world is constantly talking about tree cutting but very few people are making a change or trying to do anything to make the world a better place.

One of the easiest ways to start being greener especially if you have a spacious back yard is by having a garden. We will give feed you with the tips and tricks you need to get you started and going with your garden.

First things first you must decide on what type of garden you would like to have. You would have to decide whether it will be a vegetable garden, a garden of herbs or one of flowers.

Secondly, it is essential that you pick a prime piece of land in your backyard that would be ideal to start your garden.

By now you should know what type of garden you want and where it should be. It is time to get down to the nitty-gritty. We would start by removing the top layer of grass and hard soil. This layer is called sod. This is done using a hoe or a spade.

With the top layer of soil and gravel taken off, it is necessary to increase the nutritional content of the soil. This is because soil that has been stagnant and unused for a long time tends to be low in minerals, bugs and bacteria that are essential for the proper growth of the plant. Adding a layer of compost the soil or adding a layer of black soil would be right about enough to improve the grade of the soil.

With our compost or black soil placed in the garden, it's time to put your back into it and start working the soil. This is to make sure that the compost is well mixed into the soil and this also creates adequate ventilation of the soil. Yes, soil too needs to be adequately ventilated.

You are almost ready to pick the plants you have been waiting to plant and plant them. Hold your horses’ right there. You would have to know the condition of your soil first. This involves knowing the pH of your soil and its moisture content.

We are pretty sure that you stopped for a second and asked, 'why would I need to know the pH of my soil and its moisture content"? Well, every plant requires a specific pH and moisture content for them to thrive.

Why do you need to know the Soil PH?

Most plants thrive in a pH between 6.2 and 6.8, this is borderline acidic. A pH outside this range and the plant would struggle to absorb minerals like magnesium that it needs to grow and produce fruits. If you are stuck with soil that is either too acidic or too alkaline don't worry, lime and sulfur respectively would correct this situation?

Why is Soil Moisture Important?

Water acts as the medium through which the plant absorbs minerals and nutrients. Many agriculturalists state that moisture is more important than soil nutrition as a determinant of crop yield.

Microorganisms in the soil that add nitrogen to the soil need moisture to survive, too much and they would suffocate and die, too little and they wouldn’t be able to stay alive.

Water helps regulate soil temperature. The soil temperature needs to be kept cool for the roots to not burn and it also aids in the plants' ability to absorb minerals.

About the AUTHOR

Sophia D. Hope - is a gardener and outdoor enthusiast. She writes about gardening, Health, Diet and related product reviews. She shares creative and affordable ways to DIY and DECORATE a yard and garden.
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